Yeah.. I have been wanting to do a cinematic track for a while..
I thought it was complicated.. Remember kids.. Always search youtube
for tutorials.. So I found this one from the "Producer School":
I realize now.. I have been WAY overthinking how to make cinematic tracks..Turns out they are the simplest music out there.. All you have to
do is lay down some chords and just follow them blindly.
If you happen to have some expensive strings and cinematic loops on the top of that, I reckon you can consider yourself a pro.. I do not, so I used
freely available strings and for my cinematic loops.. I made them myself using FPC Japan drum kit, DSK Asia and jazz kit for the hi hats..
is the same..
Now that I know how to do these.. I guess.. I could make them till kingdom
come.. But I probably wont.. But here and there, these kinds of tracks will be a nice addition to my styles..
The FLP file is at: (50 Cinematic
Sonatina Orchestra Module by Mattias Westlund and bigcat instruments:
DSK Asian dreams:
Zampler Black Mamba by Beat: (you can use any electric bass to replace this one)