I have started to categorize my instrumentals on the site if you have noticed. I am also downloading
the songs one by one when I categorize them, then I have to re enter the category of the song again on the download (because Soundclick songs lose the category when they are downloaded..)
I am planning on THEN choosing best songs (using ones I already chose on the best of selection and
also choosing best songs from the ones I have made since then (mid May ish)) and creating a subfolder with the torrent for the best songs.
I probably am going to fix some problems too. Like I fixed Chinese Flying car (Bladerunnerish film music), since it had one glaring simple problem. The GMS wobble bass in the beginning was going against the F chord. So I updated the project file, blog post and google drive upload for the song.
I am 300 songs deep downloading and categorizing, this is going to take a while. I am certain that people will be happy to see the endless "Jazzy Beats" so they do not have to listen to them if they
do not like Jazz stuff.. They are going to be categorized pretty crudely, to Jazz, Blues, Pop, Smooth, Film Music, Gangsta, Latin, Classical, R & B, World music, Electronic, Country, Country & Western, Reggae, Rock, Breakbeat, Game & Electronic, Funk (mostly funk drums not neccessarily funk) and New Age categories..
This is going to be a pain in the butt. . But hopefully (God willing) I am done within two weeks.
I will release the torrent on Reddit and upload the songs to a google drive folder once I am done..
EDIT a bit later.. Why torrent? Ill just release a single zip file on google drive.. That has everything..
Then I can get of all these confusion download links. While I am at it.. I should do the same for vocal
songs.. Also I am thinking sub folder in best of called best of best of.. I am also little bit playing
with the idea of having a folder for worst of.. :D We'll see..
I should probably upload it as a zip file to google drive so there wont be any pain in downloading it..
Hopefully it all works out..
I am doing it between other things..
God I feel bad for data entry clerks..
I have started to categorize my instrumentals on the site if you have noticed. I am also downloading
the songs one by one when I categorize them, then I have to re enter the category of the song again on the download (because Soundclick songs lose the category when they are downloaded..)
I am planning on THEN choosing best songs (using ones I already chose on the best of selection and
also choosing best songs from the ones I have made since then (mid May ish)) and creating a subfolder with the torrent for the best songs.
I probably am going to fix some problems too. Like I fixed Chinese Flying car (Bladerunnerish film music), since it had one glaring simple problem. The GMS wobble bass in the beginning was going against the F chord. So I updated the project file, blog post and google drive upload for the song.
do not like Jazz stuff.. They are going to be categorized pretty crudely, to Jazz, Blues, Pop, Smooth, Film Music, Gangsta, Latin, Classical, R & B, World music, Electronic, Country, Country & Western, Reggae, Rock, Breakbeat, Game & Electronic, Funk (mostly funk drums not neccessarily funk) and New Age categories..
This is going to be a pain in the butt. . But hopefully (God willing) I am done within two weeks.
I will release the torrent on Reddit and upload the songs to a google drive folder once I am done..
EDIT a bit later.. Why torrent? Ill just release a single zip file on google drive.. That has everything..
Then I can get of all these confusion download links. While I am at it.. I should do the same for vocal
songs.. Also I am thinking sub folder in best of called best of best of.. I am also little bit playing
I should probably upload it as a zip file to google drive so there wont be any pain in downloading it..
Hopefully it all works out..
I am doing it between other things..
God I feel bad for data entry clerks..