EDIT NEXT DAY (I Added vocals)
(And also made some of the instruments a little quieter (I updated the instrumental), I still hear it has some problems especially where the verses start, but I am not feeling too great, so I let those problems be. (On another hand feeling shitty helped me write the lyrics.. :D))
Another day another instrumental, I would love to sing on this one, but my voice is shot and I do not know why. But since 2011.. My flus tend to take 3 months at a time..
Today.. I decided to make something different once again.. So.. I watched a country song tutorial:
To make my own melody.. I painted a 9 bar long C melodic scale and made something a little
bit similar.. Then to write the chords.. They were easy to find for the melody, C, Eminor, F and G.
To write the slow part in the middle, I simply painted over all the notes, then pressed down the
alt key and stretched the notes to be twice as long.. I added some notes to the piano chords so it
did not sound too sparse and added some more hi hats..
The Ample lite 2 guitar is playing a pre made country guitar pattern in the end.. I chose some simpler
chords for the beginning to give it more of a feeling of a change..
The strings playing in the fast part are intentionally moved a little bit off so that they fit the melody better, violins naturally have to start a little earlier than piano to be in time..
And that is it..
The Smell Of Stale Cigarettes
the smell of stale of stale cigarettes
and trace of her perfume oh lord
is all I have left now
since she left in the dawn
goodbye my love she said
just like
on the night we met
goodbye my love she said
and this time
it's for good
the smell of stale of stale cigarettes
and trace of her perfume oh lord
is all I have left now
since she left in the dawn
just like a cliche in a country song
I am left, wondering, what I did wrong
I couldn't help myself
I just had to screw it up
Just like a cliche in country song
with my, achy breaky heart
so it goes, this old, life
kids grow up, and so did, you and I
The project is made with FLstudio v 20:
The FLP file is at: (82 The Smell Of Stale Cigarettes.zip)
It uses:
Sforzando by Plogue:
Is playing Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra by Mattias Westlund
that you can download at:
The instruments used are written in instrument headers.
Neo Piano mini:
NI Kore player (standing bass)
(I know Kore player has been discontinued by Native Instruments, but I did
find this download link at brothersoft, I do not know if you can register the
instrument anymore though.)