Today I wanted to make rock..
The thing is.. I do not have any of the cool rock guitar vst instruments like shreddage
and I do not play guitar that well.. Also my guitar loses its tuning in ten minutes of playing..
So I was googling how to do hard rock guitar sound.. Someone pointed me towards
Grindmachine Free amp.. And.. Oh wow.. This thing rocks.. I just played some strat samples
that come with flstudio through it.. And oh boy.. It sounds good..
The idea was.. Something 180 to hard as a rock by AC DC.. So here it is:
Mellow (Hard As Marshmallow)
I could lie
I am the toughest around a-ha
put up my fists
for another round..
I could say
I am a macho man
say I am a leader
of a rock and roll band..
But I am
hard as marshmallow
hard as marshmallow
hard as marshmallow
hard as marshmallow
roasting on fire
I am lover not a fighter
I do not bite like a viper
if you show me spider
I just might start to cry
when it comes to life
I am a joker more than tiger
I will never be crushing
my enemy skulls
I could lie
say my car is Bentz A-ha
put I Roll
with my mothers car
I could say
I am headed to stars
but I do not think I will ever get far
I am lover not a fighter
I do not bite like a viper
if you show me spider
I just might start to cry
when it comes to life
I am a joker more than tiger
I will never be crushing
my enemy skulls
I like Jazz Music
I have a Herbie Hancock tattoo..
You do not want to know where..
Watermelon man.. Rules
The project is made with FLstudio v 20:
The FLP file is at: (115 Mellow (Hard As Marshmallow).zip)
It uses:
Grindmachine Free amplifier: